NecH cOmmAnd" IRC....DibaCa AtaU dICataT AtaU dI CoPaS jGa BolEh...kwkwkwkwkwkwkwk

Commands that related to chanserv
aop list: /ChanServ AOP #Channel LIST
aop add: /ChanServ AOP #Channel ADD Nick
aop del: /ChanServ AOP #Channel DEL Nick
sop list: /ChanServ SOP #Channel LIST
sop add: /ChanServ SOP #Channel ADD Nick
sop del: /ChanServ SOP #Channel DEL Nick
akick list: /ChanServ AKICK #Channel LIST
akick add: /ChanServ AKICK #Channel ADD Nick/Address(*/!/*!* )
akick del: /ChanServ AKICK #Channel DEL Nick/Address
register channel: /ChanServ REGISTER #Channel Password Description
identify channel: /ChanServ IDENTIFY #Channel Password
drop channel: /ChanServ DROP #Channel
info channel: /ChanServ INFO #Channel
count channel: /Chanserv COUNT #Channel
set pass channel: /ChanServ SET #Channel PASSWD OldPassword NewPassword
set desc channel: /ChanServ SET #Channel DESC New Description
set keep topic: /ChanServ SET #Channel KEEPTOPIC On/Off
set topic lock: /ChanServ SET #Channel TOPICLOCK Founder/SOP/OFF
set founder: /ChanServ SET #Channel FOUNDER FounderNick
set op guard: /ChanServ SET #Channel OPGUARD On/Off
set mlock: /ChanServ SET #Channel MLOCK ( with + or - )
set restrict: /Chanserv SET #Channel RESTRICT On/Off
set ident: /Chanserv SET #Channel IDENT On/Off
set verbose: /Chanserv SET #Channel VERBOSE On/Off
set successor: /Chanserv SET #Channel SUCCESSOR -(to DEL)/nick(to ADD)
set mkick: /ChanServ MKICK #Chanel
set unban: /ChanServ UNBAN #Channel Nick/Address
access channel: /ChanServ ACC #Channel Nick
set op nick: /Chanserv OP #Channel Nick
set memo level: /ChanServ SET #Channel MEMO FOUNDER/SOP/AOP
why op: /Chanserv WHY #Channel Nick

Commands that related to nickserv
register nick: /Nickserv REGISTER Password Email@ddress
pass nick: /Nickserv set PASSWD oldPassword newPassword
kill nick: /Nickserv set KILL On/Off
url nick: /Nickserv set URL EnterURL
email nick: /Nickserv set EMAIL PassNick Email@ddress
no memo: /Nickserv set NOMEMO On/Off
no op: /Nickserv set NOOP On/Off
acc nick level: /Nickserv ACC Nick
acc nick list: /Nickserv ACCESS LIST Nick
acc nick add: /Nickserv ACCESS ADD eg: Nick@IP.address.anywhere
acc nick remove: /Nickserv ACCESS DEL eg: Nick@IP.address.anywhere
identify nick: /Nickserv IDENTIFY NickPassword
recover nick: /Nickserv RECOVER Nick NickPassword
ghost nick: /Nickserv GHOST Nick NickPassword
drop nick: /Nickserv DROP Nick NickPassword
enforce nick: /Nickserv set ENFORCE On/Off
enforcer release: /Nickserv RELEASE Nick NickPassword
info nick: /Nickserv INFO Nick

Commands that related to memoserv
list memo: /Memoserv LIST
send memo: /Memoserv SEND Nick Message
send op memo: /Memoserv SEND #Channel Message
send sop memo: /Memoserv SENDSOP #Channnel Message
read memo: /Memoserv READ EnterNumberOfMemo(U Can Use, Bettween Numbers)
delete memo: /Memoserv DEL EnterNumberOfMemo(U Can Use, Bettween Numbers)
undelete memo: /Memoserv UNDEL EnterNumberOfMemo(U Can Use, Bettween Numbers)

Forward Options:
forward status: /Memoserv FORWARD
forward off: /Memoserv FORWARD-
foward on: /Memoserv FORWARD Nick NickPassword

Bagaimana membuat Channel atau room:
1.nick harus teregister
2.JoiN roomn yang akan kamu buat
3.Kalau sudah ketik /ChanServ REGISTER #namaRoom Password Description ( exemple : /chanserv REGISTER #cinta 1234456789 Description

bagaimana register nick:
1.pakai nick yang akn di register
2.truS kEtik /Nickserv REGISTER Password Email@ddressKAmu ( exemple : /nickserv register 1234567890
3.Jika Di daLnet Maka Kamu harus buka email kamu di pesan spam disitu ada kode confirmasi....

set mode: /mode #Channels
set topic: /topic #Channel Newtopic
set channel notice: /notice #Channel Message
set nick notice: /notice Nick Message
set op notice: /onotice #Channel Message(U Must be an OP)
set op voice notice: /notice @+#Channel Message
set invite: /invite Nick #Channel (Mass Invite not allowed on DALnet)
set notify: /notify Nick
set ignore: /ignore Nick/Address (Or U Can Type /help /ignore for more details)
find ircop: /stats p
list channel: /list
script load: /load -rs (scriptname.extension)
/ Recalls the previous command entered in the current window.
/! Recalls the last command typed in any window.
/action {action text} Sends the specifed action to the active channel or query window.
/add [-apuce] {filename.ini} Loads aliases, popups, users, commands, and events.
/ame {action text} Sends the specifed action to all channels which you are currently on.
/amsg {text} Sends the specifed message to all channels which you are currently on.
/auser {level} {nick|address} Adds a user with the specified access level to the remote users
/auto [on|off|nickname|address] Toggles auto-opping of a nick or address or sets it on or off
/away {away message} Sets you away leave a message explaining that you are not currently paying
attention to IRC.
/away Sets you being back.
/ban [#channel] {nickname} [type] Bans the specified nick from the curent or given channel.
/beep {number} {delay} Locally beeps ‘number’ times with ‘delay’ in between the beeps. /channel
Pops up the channel central window (only works in a channel).
/clear Clears the entire scrollback buffer of the current window.
/ctcp {nickname} {ping|finger|version|time|userinfo|clientinfo} Does the given ctcp request on
/closemsg {nickname} Closes the query window you have open to the specified nick.
/creq [ask | auto | ignore] Sets your DCC ‘On Chat request’ settings in DCC/Options.
/dcc send {nickname} {file1} {file2} {file3} … {fileN} Sends the specified files to nick.
/dcc chat {nickname} Opens a dcc window and sends a dcc chat request to nickname.
/describe {#channel} {action text} Sends the specifed action to the specified channel window.
/dde [-r] {service} {topic} {item} [data] Allows DDE control between mIRC and other
/ddeserver [on [service name] | off] To turn on the DDE server mode, eventually with a given
service name.
/disable {#groupname} De-activates a group of commands or events.
/disconnect Forces a hard and immediate disconnect from your IRC server. Use it with care.
/dlevel {level} Changes the default user level in the remote section.
/dns {nickname | IP address | IP name} Uses your providers DNS to resolve an IP address.
/echo [nickname|#channel|status] {text} Displays the given text only to YOU on the given place
in color N.
/enable {#groupname} Activates a group of commands or events.
/events [on|off] Shows the remote events status or sets it to listening or not.
/exit Forces mIRC to closedown and exit.
/finger Does a finger on a users address.
/flood [{numberoflines} {seconds} {pausetime}] Sets a crude flood control method.
/fsend [on|off] Shows fsends status and allows you to turn dcc fast send on or off.
/fserve {nickname} {maxgets} {homedirectory} [welcome text file] Opens a fileserver.
/guser {level} {nick} [type] Adds the user to the user list with the specified level and
address type.
/help {keyword} Brings up the Basic IRC Commands section in the mIRC help file.
/ignore [on|off|nickname|address] Toggles ignoring of a nick or address or sets it on or off
/invite {nickname} {#channel} Invites another user to a channel.
/join {#channel} Makes you join the specified channel.
/kick {#channel} {nickname} Kicks nickname off a given channel.
/list [#string] [-min #] [-max #] Lists all currently available channels, evt. filtering for
/log [on|off] Shows the logging status or sets it on or off for the current window.
/me {action text} Sends the specifed action to the active channel or query window.
/mode {#channel|nickname} [[+|-]modechars [parameters]] Sets channel or user modes.
/msg {nickname} {message} Send a private message to this user without opening a query window.
/names {#channel} Shows the nicks of all people on the given channel.
/nick {new nickname} Changes your nickname to whatever you like.
/notice {nick} {message} Send the specified notice message to the nick.
/notify [on|off|nickname] Toggles notifying you of a nick on IRC or sets it on or off totally.
/onotice [#channel] {message} Send the specified notice message to all channel ops.
/omsg [#channel] {message} Send the specified message to all ops on a channel.
/part {#channel} Makes you leave the specified channel.
/partall Makes you leave all channels you are on.
/ping {server address} Pings the given server. NOT a nickname.
/play [-c] {filename} [delay] Allows you to send text files to a window.
/pop {delay} [#channel] {nickname} Performs a randomly delayed +o on a not already opped nick.
/protect [on|off|nickname|address] Toggles protection of a nick or address or sets it on or off
/query {nickname} {message} Open a query window to this user and send them the private message.
/quit [reason] Disconnect you from IRC with the optional byebye message.
/raw {raw command} Sends any raw command you supply directly to the server. Use it with care!!
/remote [on|off] Shows the remote commands status or sets it to listening or not.
/rlevel {access level} Removes all users from the remote users list with the specified access
/run {c:\path\program.exe} [parameters] Runs the specified program, evt. with parameters.
/ruser {nick[!]|address} [type] Removes the user from the remote users list.
/save {filename.ini} Saves remote sections into a specified INI file.
/say {text} Says whatever you want to the active window.
/server [server address [port] [password]] Reconnects to the previous server or a newly
specified one.
/sound [nickname|#channel] {filename.wav} {action text} Sends an action and a fitting sound.
/speak {text} Uses the external text to speech program Monologue to speak up the text.
/sreq [ask | auto | ignore] Sets your DCC ‘On Send request’ settings in DCC/Options.
/time Tells you the time on the server you use.
/timer[N] {repetitions} {interval in seconds} {command} [| {more commands}] Activates a timer.
/topic {#channel} {newtopic} Changes the topic for the specified channel.
/ulist [{|}]{level} Lists all users in the remote list with the specified access levels.
/url [-d] Opens the URL windows that allows you to surf the www parallel to IRC.
/uwho [nick] Pops up the user central with information about the specified user.
/who {#channel} Shows the nicks of all people on the given channel.
/who {*address.string*} Shows all people on IRC with a matching address.
/whois {nickname} Shows information about someone in the status window.
/whowas {nickname} Shows information about someone who -just- left IRC.
/wavplay {c:\path\sound.wav} Locally plays the specified wave file.
/write [-cidl] {filename} [text] To write the specified text to a .txt file.

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